Moving with a pet introduces another set of requirements and logistical planning. In many instances you will need to obtain an import permit for you pet, each pet must meet health requirements, It is a good idea to make multiple visits to the countries you are considering before finally relocating. It’s the only way you will get a feel for what life is really like and how it could be with a pet. Living/working in the Caribbean is different from visiting on vacation and daily life back in your country. It is a good idea to plan these pre-move visits anywhere from 2 weeks to a couple of months for each location. Immerse yourself in a daily routine with regular chores, household duties, and spend your time not as a tourist. You may want to consider renting an apartment or condo and getting a feel for true island living without all of the amenities and glitz of tourist based accommodations. This will enable you to find what part of the island you prefer and find the safest areas in which to live. Thorough research will help you to determine where and what will become your piece of paradise.
You may enjoy checking out the HGTV series on Caribbean life. Read more on relocating and watch videos right online – And another great resource is Islands’ article on the Living in the Caribbean: Our Top 10 Best Islands to Live On.